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  1. Have you ever heard of the reading strategy called visualizing? Basically, it is picturing the story or what you are reading in your mind. Do you know what helps for this to happen? Practicing making predictions. In fact, by making predictions you are seeing the story in your mind so that you can guess what will happen next. After that, when you read the next part, you are checking what you predicted was right which then checks to see if you understood your text. I wonder how you will apply making predictions in your reading today.

  2. Sr. Girls and Jr. Boys Volleyball practice today until 4:45, Sr. Boys practice until 5 pm. Junior Girls Volleyball you have a practice tomorrow after school until 4:45pm.

  3. Grade 2 Music Club is this Friday at lunch recess in Mme iampen’s room for those who signed up.  Check with Avah or Kendra in Grade 4 if you’re not sure which day you are signed up for.

  4. Congratulations to all of the cross-country runners who participated in last week’s race at Blueberry. Special congrats to Rachel Scherle and Aria Poitras on their Gold medals. Well done to Finn Gavigan, Gabriel Poitras and Mira Poitras on their silver medals. And congratulations to Paige Barmby and Dylan Stiermans for winning bronze medals.
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