FIMESPAF: French Immersion Maranatha Early Education Special Needs Parents Advisory Foundation

Mission Statement

FIMESPAF empowers parents & guardians to make fair, representative, and positively impacting decisions in the best interest of the students at École Broxton Park School.


FIMESPAF is you! FIMESPAF is your parent and guardian advisory foundation here at École Broxton Park School that represents you.

We are the committee that appropriates and disburses the funds that are raised in the school, but we do not fundraise. We will provide advice, suggestions, and assist in the appropriate time to run your fundraiser.

FIMESPAF takes suggestions from you, the parents and guardians, and consults with your school administration to determine the needs of the school. These needs are then considered based on financial ability as well as what is in the best interests of the whole school.

FIMESPAF Executive

President: Tamara Hodgins
Vice President: Ashley Harms
Treasurer: Nicole Maxfield
Secretary: Heather Robertson-Gagne

FIMESPAF Meeting Minutes & Agendas
