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  1. Today is Hug a Friend day. Hug a Friend Day is the time that we celebrate those important friendships that we hold near and dear to our hearts. Studies show that the holiday is good for your health. Be sure to ask permission before giving a friend a hug!

  2. Reminder to all Grade 5 and 6 students interested in playing Spring League Basketball in May, tomorrow is the last day to return your purple registration form to your homeroom teacher.

  3. A reminder from Mme Iampen - Senior Choir you have practice today at lunch recess. See you there!

  4. Senior Badminton you have practice after school today until 4:30. If you took a jersey on the weekend, you need to return it to Mme Middleton or Mme Smillie immediately!

  5. Dungeons and Dragons Club for Grades 6, 7, 8 and 9 will run tomorrow after school from 3:15-5:00 in the Learning Commons.

  6. Thank you to all the students who came out to school soccer tryouts yesterday, we had a great turnout. We will be having a second tryout on Thursday after school for those who attended Monday’s tryout or who made prior arrangements with the coaches. Talk to Mme Inglis or Mme Taygan if you have any questions or concerns.

  7. Any Junior High students interested in practicing their throwing events for track, there will be a drop in practice after school tomorrow until 4:30pm.

  8. For those that choose to participate, today is The Day of Silence in support of our GSA. It was created by a student in 1996 to promote awareness, advocacy, and draw attention to the experience of some LGBTQ2S+ students in feeling silenced and ignored.
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